January 19, 2013

The Event Day (Würzburg)

We had a great time in Würzburg. Thought not that big a crowd as in Lohr but had decent number of people and what amazed me most was that amongst all the people, only one was an Indian women and rest all were Germans from Lohr and Würzburg. I am grateful to all of them who came to join me in my fight, especially when it was -6° out there. Thank you Germany for supporting us and my cause for Women's Right. Thank you German Media for coming forward and making this fight for Women's right reach every home, in Germany. Thank you Stadt Würzburg for providing your cooperation and support.Thank you Würzburger Polizei for standing thereby. Thank you Würzburger Versorgungs for being there and joining us. Above all thank you Tamanna for being a part of this fight and taking it forward along-with us .



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